MD-RED, Mobile Forensic Software For Data Analysis

MD-RED is the mobile forensic analysis software supporting the decryption, recovery, advanced filtering, visualization and reporting of the mobile device data image extracted with MD-NEXT or other extraction tools. The analysis software can help forensics examiners, investigators and corporate auditors to find out digital artifacts faster and exactly. The forensic reports are used for the investigation of crimes and accidents. Also, the analysis scripts of latest mobile apps are quickly updated by continuous research.Product Highlights

1. Supports over 900 popular mobile apps of iOS and Android
2. Decryption/Decode of encrypted/encoded app data
3. Various data viewers for Hex data, filesystem, SQLite, Plist and multimedia
4. Visualized analysis view with timeline, maps, chat screen and gallery
5. Enhanced analysis performance optimized for multi-core CPU
6. Python IDE for user-defined analysis script
7. Multiple program execution for each case
8. Supports for all the latest file system

Key Features

1. Support for mobile OS, file system and apps
– Supports Feature phones and smartphones
– Supports iOS, Android, Windows and Tizen OS
– Parsing and recovery of various file system formats
– Supports new filesystem formats – F2FS, XFS
– FAT12/16/32, exFAT, NTFS, ext3/4, HFS+, EFS, YAFFS, FSR, XSR
– Supports over 900 popular mobile apps of iOS and Android
– Supports most popular messenger apps of latest version

2. Decryption of encrypted app data
– Decrypts encrypted chatting messages from
– Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, Telegram, Wickr, Wechat, QQ, Kakaotalk, Line and etc.
– Decodes the encoded data from Google protocol buffer, Apache thrift, Plist/bplist, XML, JSON

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3. Various data viewers
– Source information of artifacts with db file, containing table, adjacent records, field and hex data range
– Viewers for SQLite database, Hex data, Plist, Text, Photo gallery, Movie and Audio Player
– Filesystem Viewer – filesystem metadata highlight
– Hex Viewer – selected data highlight
– SQLite Viewer – selected page and record highlight, active and recovered records including WAL and rollback journals

4. Advanced multimedia view
– Advanced image view – image rotation and brightness adjustment
– Advanced audio play – speed control, SILK codec voice file play
– Advanced video play – speed control, supports all video formats

5. Visualized analysis data
– Social relations
– Timeline
– Online and offline map
– Location information analysis based on wireless telephone base station

6. Decodes screen lock information
– Decodes Pattern, PIN and Password for unlocking

7. Advanced data filtering options
– File system, signature, time and more fields
– Dynamic filtering operators
– Multiple field filtering, sorting and grouping

8. Innovative performance enhancement
– Utilizes multi-core CPU and GPU for analysis
– Accelerates performance with advanced analysis engine
– Supports running of multiple programs for each case

9. Python IDE for user-defined analysis script
– Supports Python IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for app analysis expert users
– Script debugging with syntax coloring and line tracing with breakpoint

10. Report auto-generation
– File formats – XLS, PDF, ODS, SQLite DB
– Customizable to customer requirements

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