MD5 Ltd first launched VFC to the forensic community in 2007. As well as being the original virtualisation solution for the forensic investigator, over the last 12 years, VFC has saved crucial time and provided crucial intelligence & evidence for complex murders and cyber-crimes, and has assisted or contributed to investigations into CSE, drugs, money-laundering and fraud, by enabling the investigator to recreate and interact with the “digital crime scene” within a matter of seconds!
MD5 continue to invest heavily in R&D, and are always listening to feedback from our customers.We are excited to announce that VFC 5 includes the following significant new Features:
• VFC Mount – our own proprietary, complementary mount tool
• Generic Password Reset Feature
• Command Line Integration functionality *
• 64-bit Support
*(VFC5 comes supplied with EnCase EnScript & XWF X-Tension plugins to launch VFC from within EnCase & X-Ways Forensics. Integration with other forensic software will follow.
VFC5 brings enhanced OS support and now supports over 2,000 discrete Windows builds for Password Bypass. With efficiency savings made throughout the entire VFC process, it’s lighter, faster, more powerful and more integrated than ever before.
For further information visit our website or contact sales on +44 (0) 1924 220999 or email