Harald Baier presents his research at DFRWS EU 2019.
Welcome to our joint paper. Mainly it was coordinated by Laurence Liebler, who gave a talk in the previous session about APX bin, and the scope is the same, so he’s the main author. Patrick Schmitt was a Master’s student of Laurence who hails from the technical university of Darmstadt. My affiliation is Hochschule Darmstadt, I’m leading the IT security research group and I’m also involved in this security research centre, CRISP Darmstadt. And finally, we also have a joint work with Frank Breitinger who is also very familiar with this topic.
The agenda of my talk is to give a small motivation, although the scope already was mentioned a few times in the previous session. We investigated three candidates for the lookup problem; I will highlight them in the second part of my talk, then I will give you some insights in the requirements for the candidates and their previous and final capabilities. And then I will give you some information about extensions which we provided in our work. I will sketch innovation, and then I will conclude.