Oxygen Forensics Adds Time Saving Features In New Release

Oxygen Forensics, a global leader in digital forensics for law enforcement, federal, and corporate clients, announced today the release of Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.12.5. This release introduces features that will increase efficiency by implementing alternative solutions for law enforcement and licensed investigators, allowing them to save valuable time during extractions, imports, and searches.

Oxygen Forensic® Detective v.12.5 provides users with an extraction method that allows them to extract data from only the applications they choose. Users no longer have to wait for a full file system extraction to access a specific set of data. If an investigator knows the data he’s searching for is hidden in Twitter or Discord, the data can be extracted from just those applications. The new Selective Extraction method in Oxygen Forensic® Detective 12.5 provides a list of 15 of the most popular apps today, including WhatsApp Messenger, Telegram, and TikTok. Research has shown that phone users spend 89% of their screen time on the limited number of apps. We have compiled these apps into a list which gives users the opportunity to conduct a faster, more focused extraction. Users can select up to 15 applications from the list, and if you’re in the position where you don’t know where to start your search, this might be a good launching point. This list will be constantly growing.

With this update, Oxygen Forensics has taken the opportunity to improve OxyAgent utility for their users. Oxygen Forensic® Detective offers a variety of extraction methods for Android devices, including screen lock bypass, device rooting, and, of course, logical acquisitions via OxyAgent. OxyAgent gives investigators the ability to recover basic evidence sets from every supported Android device, and Oxygen Forensic® Detective 12.5 has notably enhanced these capabilities. Users can now conduct extractions via Wi-Fi network, allowing them to avoid setbacks caused by faulty connection or USB ports. Users can also select data categories for extractions, as well as create screenshots of Android device data using OxyAgent.

“Oxygen Forensics is committed to delivering industry-leading capabilities and functionality for law enforcement and other licensed investigators,” said Lee Reiber, COO of Oxygen Forensics.  “Technology is constantly evolving, and it’s important that we give our customers the tools they need to keep pace with that rapid evolution.”

In addition, Oxygen Forensic® Detective has added search capabilities during backup imports. Oxygen Forensic Detective supports more than 30 devices and backup images. With the new version of Oxygen Forensic Detective, investigators can configure the data search criteria in the Import Wizard while importing a backup. The search criteria include text, keywords, hash sets, regular expressions, file names, and lastly, file content. Once the import is complete, users can view the search results within the Search section.

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The Oxygen Forensic Detective suite of tools is available to previously vetted and appropriately licensed law enforcement organizations. The tool is also available to private customers for investigations and corporate in-house analysis.

If you wish to try the new Oxygen Forensic Detective version request a fully-featured demo license here.

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