Survey: Reducing Backlogs in Digital Forensics

The number of crimes that require digital forensics expertise is increasing, and alongside it the amount of data that must be analysed is growing exponentially. However, the number of experts is not growing in line with these elements, leading to a backlog in both law enforcement and private sector investigations.

Even when effective triage has identified the most salient points of an investigation, it is still necessary to involve forensics experts. The level of training necessary to adequately investigate digital forensic evidence can be prohibitive, particularly within law enforcement agencies where budgets are tight and time even tighter.

With this in mind, Nina van der Knaap from Leiden University has put together a short survey for digital investigators regarding backlogs and what can be done to ease them. The survey can be accessed here and is open to investigators internationally.

If you have any questions or would like more information, please contact

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