Tableau Launches New OEM Forensic Bridges

Tableau, LLC has announced two new additions to its OEM family of write blockers. The T3458is, available June 1, enables examiners to use one write-blocker for IDE, SATA, SCSI, and USB imaging. Designed for integration into high performance imaging and analysis workstations, the T3458is uses TABSenseâ„¢ technology to support simultaneous SATA and FireWire 800 host connections. The T34589is adds the industry’s first FireWire hardware write-blocker, an LCD user interface, and a front panel FireWire/USB hub to the T3458is…The FireWire section in the T34589is may be used to image FireWire storage devices as well as hard drives in Apple Macintosh® systems. The T34589is is available today in Digital Intelligence FREDâ„¢ workstations.

“The development of the T34589is and T3458is marks another milestone in Tableau’s efforts to meet the data acquisition challenges faced by the forensics industry, “said Robert Botchek, Tableau’s Founder and President. “These new products also continue our history of technical innovation. TABSense, our proprietary dual host connection technology, automatically selects the best-fit channel for data transfer based upon the device type being imaged.”

Each product uses the permanent FireWire host connection for fast, easy firmware updates.

Additional product information and technical specifications can be found on the T34589is and T3458is product pages at

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