Understanding Rootkits: Using Memory Dump Analysis for Rootkit Detection

Every rootkit employs a wide range of masquerading techniques to prevent its detection. Anti-virus and anti-malware tools must perform what is called, in forensic terms, “live box analysis”, performing a real-time scan of a live system. No wonder rootkits can actively resist detection by either hiding themselves or messing with anti-virus software or the system kernel. This constant battle makes rootkit detection not only difficult and unreliable, but disruptive and potentially dangerous to system stability and the integrity of user data.

This paper proposes going away from live box analysis approach, and analyzing raw memory dumps offline. Authors propose a new rootkit analysis methodology based on using Windows built-in debugger, WinDbg, to analyze snapshots of the computer’s volatile memory. This paper proposes comprehensive classification of rootkits and their masquerading techniques, and demonstrates which types of rootkits can be detected with proposed analysis methodology. Some of the described algorithms can be quickly implemented by using WinDbg’s built-in scripting language. Finally, the proposed methodology is tested in real-world to detect existing rootkits…

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