Unscrambling Pixels: Forensic Science Is Not Forensic Fiction

by Martino Jerian, CEO and Founder, Amped Software

In every branch of forensic science, we have to fight with the falsehoods introduced by the popular series à la CSI (hence the properly called CSI effect), but probably this belief is the strongest in the field of forensic image and video analysis. From endless zooming from satellite imagery, to enhancing the reflection of a reflection of a reflection, to identifying faces or fingerprints at an unbelievable pace, we very often have to explain, even to “the experts”, what is science and what is fiction.

This is complicated also by the fact that sometimes we are able to extract information from images and videos where at a first glance there is absolutely nothing visible. However, very often we can’t do anything to improve images that to that average person, don’t look that bad.

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