viaForensics announces four upcoming mobile forensics training sessions

viaForensics will hold four mobile forensics training sessions in the Chicago area covering Linux use in forensics, iPhone forensics, Android forensics and advanced mobile forensics. The sessions will be held in Oak Park March 8, 9, 10 and 11. Each training session is an independent one-day workshop. Attendees can register for one day or several trainings…Workshops are priced individually. Registration information is available on the viaForensics website. Workshops are designed for law enforcement personnel. The Linux, Android and advanced mobile forensics workshops are open to non-law enforcement individuals.

The March 8 session, Introduction to Linux Forensics, outlines useful forensic utilities used in the Linux environment. This course provides a foundation for the following days’ courses, providing an overview of Linux in mobile forensics. The March 9 and 10 sessions cover iPhone forensics and Android forensics respectively. Both discuss the intricacies of extracting and analyzing data from the different platforms. The final Advanced Mobile Forensics session on March 11 dives deeper into the physical method of extracting data from Android and other mobile devices.

More detailed course descriptions and registration information is provided on the viaForensics website under the Education heading.

About viaForensics
viaForensics is an innovative computer/mobile forensic and e-discovery firm providing law enforcement, corporations, attorneys and others with expert mobile forensics and mobile data recovery services. viaForensics provides analysis for mobile phone applications and uses innovative forensic technologies to improve data security and protect users.
Andrew Hoog is a computer scientist, computer/forensics researcher and Chief Investigative Officer at viaForensics. He is currently writing books on Android and iPhone forensics.

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