viaForensics, a computer and mobile forensic and e-discovery firm, is offering a one-day training course on Android forensics. Two sessions of the course are being offered on May 4 and May 5 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Chicago Police Training Academy, 1300 W. Jackson Blvd., in Chicago. The course is open to law enforcement and non-enforcement personnel…The training session is one of several training opportunities offered by Mobile Forensics World 2010 (MFW10) as part of their pre-conference activities. The conference will be held the following weekend, May 5-8, at the O’Hare Marriott. MFW10 brings together experts in various aspects of mobile device forensics to share their information, products and services.
viaForensics’ comprehensive training course provides examiners with an overview of Android, the software development kit (SDK) and the Android file system. Six specific forensic techniques and analysis tools needed to effectively investigate Android phones are explained. The full course outline is provided on the viaForensics website.
Attendees can register through the viaForensics website,, by calling viaForensics at 312-283-0551 or through the MFW10 website, The cost is $1,325 for law enforcement personnel and $1,850 for non-enforcement.
viaForensics has been a leader in iPhone forensics technology and has shifted focus to Android forensics, investing significant resource and development efforts into this growing platform. CIO Andrew Hoog has authored a groundbreaking white paper on iPhone forensics and is currently authoring a book on Android forensics. Hoog also manages the Android Forensics Wiki (AFWiki).
About viaForensics
viaForensics is an innovative computer/mobile forensic and e-discovery firm focusing on providing proactive services to corporations, law enforcement and law firms. Andrew Hoog is a computer scientist, computer/forensics researcher and Chief Investigative Officer at viaForensics.