XRY v6.3.2 released

Micro Systemation just released XRY v6.3.2

This version includes:

– The ability to bypass a complex passcode on some iOS devices
– Full support for the new Apple operating system iOS6
– A new RAM disk extraction method for iOS devices
– Logical support for the Samsung Galaxy SIII
– Improved exporter functionality for WordiOS6 Complex Passcode Bypass

If you have a XRY Physical or Complete license you will now be able to recover more data than ever before.

Previously XRY offered the functionality to brute force a simple 4 digit passcode on an iOS device. With XRY v6.3.2 there is a new innovation to recover data, even when the iOS device has a complex passcode set.

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XRY v6.3.2 automatically detects if the device has a complex passcode and is able to bypass this security measure to facilitate forensic extraction.

With complex passcodes taking hours, days and even weeks to crack through standard brute force attacks; this unique ability to bypass the code will allow investigators quick and immediate access to data.

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