How To Analyze Call Data Records In Oxygen Forensic Detective

Hi, this is Amanda Mangan with Oxygen Forensics. In this video, we’re going to go over Oxygen Forensics’ Call Data Expert. The first thing we’ll discuss is, what exactly is a CDR? A CDR is a call data record, and

Three Reasons Why Call Detail Records Analysis Is Not “Junk Science”

by Patrick Siewert, Principal Consultant, Pro Digital Forensic Consulting Since introducing our private sector clients to the impact that cellular call detail records (CDR) analysis & mapping can have on their cases, we’ve had a lot of robust discussions with

Walkthrough: What’s New In XAMN v4.4

Hello and welcome to this video about what’s new in XAMN 4.4. I’m going to take you through ten new improvements, as you can see listed here in the latest release of the XAMN application. Let’s get straight on to the