Detective Lee Bieber on Digital Forensics Tools for Complex Cases

Christa Miller: Technology-facilitated child exploitation, including trafficking, has been the driver for much of the innovation behind most digital forensics tools. Here at the Forensic Focus Podcast to provide a customer perspective on that is Detective Lee Bieber of the

The Potential of Digital Traces in Providing Evidence at Activity Level

A slide featuring a news article and a crime scene diagram
Hello. My name is Hans Henseler from the University of Applied Sciences Leiden. I’m going to present about ‘The Potential of Digital Traces in Providing Evidence at Activity Level’. This presentation is based by work together with professional report. So

Identifying Interception Possibilities for WhatsApp Communication

Hello everybody. My name is Dennis Wijnberg, and together with Dr Nhien-An Le-Khac, I’m presenting about Alternative Methods for WhatsApp interception. This research project was part of my dissertation in partial fulfillment of my Master of Science degree for the

Forensic Pattern Of Life Analysis

by Christa Miller, Forensic Focus Pattern of life analysis isn’t a new concept to anyone who’s ever been involved with intelligence, in particular surveillance.  It’s all about the habits that people — suspects, persons of interest, crime victims, or those