The Wisdom of the Heap: Mesh It up by Weaving Data Structures

In this short presentation, Trufflepig Forensics’ Aaron Hartel and Christian Müller present some early stage research about the volatility of data in memory as data structures change version to version. Session Chair: We’re now going over to memory forensics and

JTAG-Based Memory Acquisition Framework

Multicolored cables connect small electronic boxes
Hello everyone. My name is Muhammad Haris Rais. I am a PhD student at SAFE lab – Security And Forensics Engineering lab at Virginia Commonwealth University.  The lab is led by Dr. Irfan Ahmed and is mostly focused around industrial

RAM Forensic Analysis

by Eliézer Pereira 1 Goal The purpose of this article is show how to perform a RAM memory forensic analysis, presenting some examples of information that can be retrieved and analyzed to help identify indications of security incidents as well