Acquire And Analyze More With Susteen’s APEX Physical Explorer

Susteen’s new APEX physical explorer easily parses through physical dump files. Costing thousands less than other physical analyzers, Susteen’s new APEX gives the forensic investigator access to increased deleted data. Physical dumps of LG phones can be easily acquired and analyzed without third party rooting tools.

APEX: Acquires Physical images from mobile devices

APEX: Analyzes and Parses Physical Images

APEX: Allows the investigator to easily flag evidence and build reports

APEX: Pulls popular Application data

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APEX: Costs thousands less than comparable tools.Susteen pioneered the Mobile Forensic industry years ago and was the first to launch analytical features for mobile data. With Secure View, investigators can easily acquire data, analyze the data and report on their findings. APEX is designed as an easy to use physical explorer which allows investigators to view and parse physical dump files of mobile devices. This includes SQL Data, Plist Files, Application Data and more. Creating evidence reports with hash values is a breeze and each report is easily customized for each individual agency. Use APEX as your go-to tool, or even as a secondary tool to validate your results. Contact us today for a quote! Call 949.341.0007


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