Hosted by the Korean Institute of Information Security and Cryptology (KIISC), the Digital Forensics Challenge 2022 (DFC 2022) aims to expand our knowledge of digital forensics and to contribute to this field. Now in its fifth year, the challenge plays a significant role in developing new technologies and training forensic experts such as researchers and graduate students in the field of information security. Last year alone, the number of participants recorded a total of 180 people from 58 teams, with 45 Korean and 13 International teams.
The challenge consists of two main categories: the Digital Forensics Challenge and the Tech contest. Participants can take part in one or both competitions.

In the Digital Forensics Challenge, an answer sheet for each problem should be submitted in a detailed write-up. During the competition, four problems will be posted on the website on the first day of every month. You must submit your answer sheet by the end of next month and your scores will be available to you within 2~3 weeks.
In the Tech Contest, participants are allowed to freely suggest new forensic analysis methods. In this project, you are more than welcome to offer us all kinds of fresh, new techniques that haven’t been published before. The goal is to identify new opportunities to help investigators discover clues in solving real cases. All submissions must include a detailed response that explains the type of information stored and how it can be reproduced.
For detailed information, visit the DFC 2022 website (