Logicube have released Falcon-NEO, which is designed to streamline the evidence collection process.
Early bird rates for the Techno Security conference are only available until the 30th of March – get an extra 30% off by using the code FFOCUS18 at the checkout.
Cellebrite have updated Cellebrite Analytics.
Magnet have released AXIOM 1.2.4.
Oxygen Forensic Detective now supports DJI cloud.
DFRWS EU 2018 is under way! Find the full programme or register for DFRWS US on the website.
Videos from BSides Columbus videos are now available to view online here.Phill Moore’s latest podcast talks about last month’s digital forensics news.
Autopsy have released version 4.6.0.
Brett Shavers has put together a Listserv for the DFIR community, so if you’re looking for a subcontractor you should now be able to find one.
Eclectic Light Company have written an article about hidden folders and files on MacOS.
SalvationDATA have recently updated their Data Recovery System.
If you need some forensic challenges to work on, take a look at Aman’s list.
New extraction capabilities are available in the latest version of Cellebrite UFED.