What you’re looking at right now is an actual iPhone that is connected to our Data Pilot 10. And you can see that anything showing up on this iPhone is completely mimicked right over here on the Data Pilot 10, which is awesome.
Now, why is that great? Well, it’s because any evidence that you find on your phone – whether it be Android or iPhone – you can easily get to on the Data Pilot 10 and record for evidentiary purposes, which is wonderful.
So it’s a great feature on the Data Pilot 10, it works on both iPhones and Android, and it’s a great way of getting data off of all those encrypted apps, right? So anything like Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, Instagram: it does not matter – even Snapchat – if you can find it on the phone, well guess what? You can get it on the Data Pilot device and keep that for your evidence.
So there you are: just another great functionality of the Data Pilot 10.