MacForensicsLab Inc. has announced the release of MacForensicsLab Field Agent (MFL-FA). MFL-FA is the first freely available law enforcement tool designed to be “tri-platform” (Microsoft Windows, Linux, and Apple Mac OS X) specifically to combat crimes against children by helping investigators to zero in on suspect images…MacForensicsLab Field Agent leverages a powerful skin tone analyzer to quickly and efficiently identify images of evidentiary value. Designed for non-technical personnel, Field Agent can be run in a few easy steps, without rebooting, troubleshooting, or dealing with a complex interface. It utilizes the computer’s USB port to avoid loading onto the suspect’s computer and it can run natively on Windows, Macintosh or Linux systems.
“We’ve shown this new tool to law enforcement and they seem to be as excited as we are to have another powerful forensic tool in the fight on crimes against children.” said MacForensicsLab Inc.’s CEO Marko Kostyrko.
To obtain a free copy of MFL-FA, visit, and submit the request form using an official law enforcement email address. Upon receipt a serial number will be mailed to the provided address, thus unlocking the tool.
MFL-FA contains just a small subset of the features available in MacForensicsLab. For more information on MacForensicsLab, the most powerful cross-platform digital forensic suite available go to: or email