Released today: XRY 9.5, XAMN 6.1
Enhanced Physical support options for MTK, Exynos, and EDL devices, along with brand new iOS15 Beta 1 support, plus easier navigation and improved flexibility in reporting.
We are very excited to officially announce the new versions of XRY and XAMN. These represent a substantial advance in our efforts to help customers swiftly acquire mobile data from new phones and conduct in-depth data analysis.
Highlights from the newest releases are summarized below. As always, we strongly recommend that all users download the Release Notes from the Customer Portal for a complete description of all updated product capabilities and supported devices and apps.
Release highlights:
XRY 9.5
To enable investigators access an increased amount of data, the new release includes added support for full physical extraction on over 20 new devices with MTK chipsets using a new Android MediaTek BootRom Generic profile. Additionally, you can now perform more physical extractions on the latest Samsung Exynos devices with brute forcing of passwords.
XRY 9.5 now offers support for data acquisition from the beta version of iOS 15, added support for Cloud extractions, improved rapid access to several apps and added support for detailed warrant returns. Additionally, there is a new built in HTML based help file.
XAMN 6.1
We have improved the display setting in XAMN 6.1 to make it even easier for users to get a clear overview of the information. There is now a clearer dynamic display of data in the List view.
Based on customers feedback we added new filters for easier navigation through the case data. In addition, you can now easily view the artifacts without timestamp.
XAMN now enables you to generate a new Persons report in PDF format thus allowing for greater flexibility in presentations. We have also improved the layout of the PDF Conversations report, allowing you to view the information as you view it within XAMN.
Our powerful hash watchlist match functionality which enables you to rapidly identify suspect data, is now more accessible. XAMN 6.1 introduces a new shortcut to quickly and easily see these Hash watchlist matches directly from the Overview page, along with a new filter to search for the matches.