Podcast Ep. 77 Recap: Picture Perfect – Using Screenshots And Screen Recording In Mobile Device Investigations

Rich Frawley from ADF Solutions discusses the use of screenshots and screen recording in mobile device investigations. Screenshots and screen recordings can be used to capture evidence that may not be available through logical acquisitions, allowing investigators to add valuable information to their cases.

Rich also discusses the limitations of screenshots and screen recording, such as the inability to capture certain types of data or the risk of alerting the other party in a chat conversation. He emphasizes the importance of investigators knowing their cases and making informed decisions about the best methods to gather evidence.

Rich also highlights the speed and efficiency of ADF Solutions’ tools, which focus on triage and intelligence gathering rather than cracking devices. He mentions the company’s training programs and the ability to generate reports and share data with other tools. The conversation touches on the future of mobile forensics, including wearables and emerging technologies like smart glasses.

Click here to watch the full episode.

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