Release The DRONE! : Meet Your 24/7 Available DFIR Expert

The first innovation of Binalyze was decreasing the evidence collection time to minutes from hours, if not days. The second one was making the overall acquisition process a fully automated workflow. 

Both of these innovations are delivered by our TACTICAL and  AIR products which allow you to take the highest resolution pictures of the crime scene. The only missing piece was having someone (or something) review these pictures and make findings, again, in minutes and not days.

DRONE is the last pillar of this innovation series and we are delighted to release it from Beta today. 

DRONE is your 24/7 virtual DFIR expert who immediately highlights anomalies, rare, suspicious or dangerous events in your case report so you can get straight to the critical evidence.

Remote digital forensics

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This solution is set to transform remote digital forensics investigation by giving you the capability to quickly understand your network by acquiring and analyzing data across all endpoints in minutes. 

With the BETA version, that was released two months ago, we received nothing but overwhelmingly positive feedback. 

Today we are excited to release the first production version of DRONE, so you can start transforming your remote digital forensics investigations practices. 

What can you do with the DRONE product?

This innovative new approach is built for organizations that need to perform agile, efficient, and remote digital forensics investigations. 

It helps companies take back control over their incident response management by providing quick and efficient investigation results of thousands of endpoints in a fully automated way.  

When you have an incident in your organization’s network, you need to respond efficiently and with speed. For that, DRONE is the best solution for your investigations. Built to complement the advanced features of Binalyze AIR, DRONE will not only allow you to investigate digital evidence, but together with Binalyze AIR, you can run a full DFIR investigation in minutes.

You can use DRONE for: 

  • Fully remote endpoint assessment
  • Ultra-fast Early Case Assessments
  • Automated Compromise Assessments
  • Rapid keyword searching of forensic evidence
  • Anomaly Detection on endpoint forensic data
  • Support for Sigma rules on a live endpoint
  • Decreasing preliminary analysis time to minutes
  • Supporting analysts with less experience to make informed decisions

One-click investigation

DRONE empowers users with much faster speed and simplified user experience, clearing the way from heavy, fragmented, and time-consuming traditional digital forensics solutions. 

Featuring a highly efficient and lightning-fast Compromise Assessment feature, DRONE doesn’t compromise speed and efficiency while delivering best-in-class digital forensics reports.

“With a single click, DRONE creates a well-structured digital forensics report highlighting anomalies pointing you to the clues on suspicious areas in your digital environment,” said Emre Tinaztepe, Founder of Binalyze. 

Find out more about DRONE 

To learn more or get access to DRONE, visit

For now, DRONE is available as a standalone Investigation as a Service (IaaS) product. In the upcoming releases, DRONE will also be available as a component of Binalyze AIR.

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