Video: Eviplant – An Efficient Digital Forensic Challenge Creation, Manipulation

Mark Scanlon discusses his research at DFRWS EU 2017.

My name is Mark Scanlon from University College Dublin. As [Owen] said, this paper is co-authored with a PhD student of mine and a colleague of mine in the school.

The point of this project is to try and make digital forensic challenges for a variety of different use cases. So to just give a quick overview of what we’re talking about, I’m going to talk about some existing techniques that are used for creating digital forensic challenges and talk a little bit more about the motivation behind the work that I’m presenting here, talk about some of the design considerations for the tool that we’ve developed, talk about EviPlant itself, and then go on and talk about some future work.

First and foremost, Digital Forensic Challenges – I’m sure there are a lot of academics in the room, a lot of people involved in training and education. So one thing that you’d be familiar with, with digital forensics education, is trying to create or curate challenges to give to a class.

Read the full transcript and watch the video here.

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