AccessData Announces Release of Latest Version of Forensic Software Solution

The Newest Version of AccessData’s Forensic Software Enables Investigations Whenever and Wherever You Are Company announces the integration of QView® and the addition of similar face and object detection AccessData Group, a leading provider of integrated digital forensics and e-discovery

How To Use Quin-C’s Simple Review Widget

Hello and welcome everybody to this video about Quin-C. Today we will be talking about a widget called Simple Review. Simple Review is a widget which has been designed for examiners whose everyday job is to run the index searches

Walkthrough: Quin-C Social Analyzer Widget From AccessData

Hello. This is Sven from the technical team here at AccessData. This video will feature the Social Analyzer widget. So let’s get started. Go to Quin-C and open the grid, just to see how many items we have in our

Evidence Acquisition Using Accessdata FTK Imager

by Chirath De Alwis Forensic Toolkit or FTK is a computer forensics software product made by AccessData. This is a Windows based commercial product. For forensic investigations, the same development team has created a free version of the commercial product

Bruteforcing Linux Full Disk Encryption (LUKS) With Hashcat

by Patrick Bell This walk-through will show you how to Bruteforce LUK volumes using hashcat, how you can mount a LUK partition, and how we can image it once it’s decrypted. Scenario: You’ve got a Macbook in. MacOS has been