FTK Feature Focus: Interface Customization

This week on Feature Focus, we’re going to talk about customizing the interface. There’s no reason to not like the look of FTK, because you can change it if you want to. Welcome to this week’s episode. Welcome to this

A Look at FTK’s Biggest Improvements This Year

In this week’s episode, we’re looking at the last year in FTK releases to show you the features that have come out and why you should be upgrading to the latest version of FTK. Welcome to this week’s video. Welcome

Streamlining the FTK Workflow With Portable Cases

Want to cut down on your backlog and your work by making someone else do the basic review? Well, you’re in luck, because this week we’re talking about Portable Case in FTK Feature Focus. Welcome back to FTK Feature Focus.

Register For Webinar: Reporting — Bringing It All Together

If you’d like to register for or view courses 1-3 on demand, visit:https://www.exterro.com/masters-of-digital-forensics. You’ve made it through the digital forensic process and you’re ready to produce the final report showing the results of the investigation. In this masters class, we’ll

Exterro Participates In Gen CybHER Camp At Dakota State University

It was exciting to be in person at the annual GenCybHER Girls in Cybersecurity Camp at Dakota State University, June 20-24, 2021. This year, 66 girls in grades 6 through 9 attended from 5 states (SD, ND, MN, IA, NE). Our hands-on lab,

FTK Feature Focus: Optimizing Processing Options Part 2

Justin Tolman: Episode five, and we’re already doing a sequel. We’re taking another look at optimizing our processing in FTK Feature Focus. Welcome back. This is episode five of Feature Focus. I’m Justin Tolman. I’m the Director of Training over

FTK Feature Focus: Optimizing FTK Processing Options Part 1

Justin Tolman: If you or someone you love selects all the options in processing with FTK, so they won’t miss anything, then this episode’s for you! Episode four of FTK Feature Focus, we’ll come back to FTK Feature Focus episode

AD Enterprise 7.4.2 From AccessData

AD Enterprise allows investigators to collect, preserve and analyse data from various sources remotely from Windows and Mac computers, as well as to parse and review mobile data. As a holistic tool which encompasses many features, Enterprise at its core

Exterro Announces The Launch Of FTK Central

Built for the Mindset of a Non-Technical Digital Forensics Reviewer, FTK Central Can Easily Manage, Track and Scale Any Review Exterro Inc., the preferred provider of Legal GRC software specifically designed for in-house legal, privacy, and IT teams at Global

FTK Feature Focus: Reporting System Summary

Justin: With the recently released 7.4.2 of FTK, you’ve probably seen a lot of webinars, presentations and demos regarding the new buffed features of system summary. We’ve shown you all the artifacts it gets; we’ve shown you how to use

What The Tech? Using FTK Imager

Holli: Hi, everyone. We’ll get started in just a minute.  Okay. It looks like we have a good amount of people that have entered into the webinar, so I’ll go ahead and get started.  Thank you for joining us today

Bobby Balachandran, CEO, Exterro

Welcome, Bobby, and congratulations on the acquisition of AccessData! Why was a forensic company important to add to the Exterro portfolio and why AccessData specifically? Thank you! The heart of the decision came from knowing that we have technology that

How To Timeline Login Information From Windows Event Logs

Justin: Alright. So, hello. And this is a recorded video, so just kind of, welcome, whenever you’re watching this. I’m Justin Tolman, I am the Director of Training for AccessData, and today, for the next little bit, we’ll be talking

What the Tech? FTK Features That Might Surprise You

Holli Hagene: Hi, everyone. Thank you for joining us today for our webinar, FTK features that might surprise you. My name is Holli Hagene and I’m a marketing manager at AccessData. Before I hand things over to our presenters. I