2022 Q3 MD-Series Release Note Highlights

We are excited to share our Release Note Highlights for 2022 Q3. Find out the major updates and improvements in MD-Series! Products and versions that are updated in Q3 are: MD-NEXT v1.91.10 ~ v1.91.14 Supported New phone models – 28

Deep dive into ‘METADATA’

Deep dive into ‘METADATA’ Hancom is glad to release a new whitepaper of ‘Metadata’, and hope this can help you to improve your forensic investigation skills. This whitepaper focuses on the research of Metadata. We will use MD-RED and analyze

2022 2Q MD-Series Release Note Highlights

Find out the major features in MD-Series that are supported in 2Q 2022.  MD-NEXT v1.91.4–v1.91.9 Supports new 2,428 models, updated 783 Models. Android Full filesystem extraction method added Samsung Galaxy S22 Qualcomm Series. Supports iOS Checkm8 Full Filesystem (iOS 15.0∼15.2.1

2022 Q1 MD-Series Release Note Highlights

Find out the major features in MD-Series that are supported in Q1 2022. Following versions of the product will be including features released in this Q1. MD-NEXT v1.91.1 – v1.91.3 Supports 182 new models, updated 57 Models. Android Full filesystem extraction

Finding Important Artifacts in Recycle Bin

A green recycle logo with white circuit board lines depicting data recycling
Recycle Bin can become an important clue to the case. It might provide the trace of a trial to hide or to conceal a clue. This whitepaper focuses on the research of deleted files from various types of apps in

New Challenge of Drone Forensics, MD-DRONE

Empower Your Investigation With Drone Forensic Solution, MD-DRONE. MD–DRONE is a forensic software for extracting and analyzing data from the various data sources of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV)/Drones from global manufacturers such as DJI, Parrot, and PixHawk. Data can be

The Latest Guide to Discover Meaningful Data from Samsung Secure Folder

Data Extraction and Analysis of Samsung Secure Folder Secure Folder is a separate storage space within the device, protected by ‘Knox’—a security technology of Samsung. By keeping sensitive data or personal contents and apps in Secure Folder, users can protect

Year In Review: 2021 MD-Series Product Highlights

Go check how MD-Series got new and improved features in 2021. If you want to read the full version of 2021 Release Note Highlights, visit our blog at the link below. MD-NEXT v1.89.13-v1.90.17 Supports 1,500 new models and updated 261 models. Supports 66 downgrade apps MD-RED

Major Features of MD-Series Released in 2021 4Q

Check the major features of MD-Series released in 2021 4Q. Visit our blog to check the full paragraph with product images. MD-NEXT v1.90.12 ~ v1.90.17 Bootloader supports extraction of feature phone which based Spreadtrum Chipset.Android Full Filesystem extraction supports 21 models (Exynos)

Empower Your Investigation With On-Site Forensic Tool, MD-LIVE

Extract, Analyze, and Generate a Report at any Crime Scene with MD-LIVE Whenever to access the evidence phone at the crime scene, you may always suffer from insufficient time and its complicated steps to use the mobile forensic tool. MD-LIVE

How to Export Report and Media in MD-VIDEO

We’ve been introducing various features of MD-VIDEO this year and this is the last episode of the how-to video of MD-VIDEO. You can learn how to export reports and media from MD-VIDEO.Check out various types of options to export reports

HancomWITH MD-Series Release Note Highlights (3Q 2021)

Find out the new and updated features of MD-Series in 3Q. MD-NEXT v1.90.3 ~ v1.90.11 Android Full Filesystem extraction for Android 11 Galaxy A series – Supports A10, A11, A30, A40, A50, Jean2, Wide4 series.Increased iOS FFS extraction success ratio