The AFF4 Evidence Container: Why and What’s Next

Well, good day. My name is Bradley Schatz, I’m from Evimetry. Today I’m here, it’s my distinct pleasure to be here at the Magnet Virtual Summit to talk about the Advanced Forensic Format Container version four. That’s an evidence container

Falcon-NEO Digital Forensic Imager From Logicube

The first review of the Logicube Falcon®– NEO was performed in July 2018 and having successfully used the same unit in both an IT and forensic investigative environment since, it is time to update that assessment to include the many

The End of Digital Forensics?

by Craig Ball When Microsoft introduced its Encrypting File System (EFS) in Windows 2000, the Cassandras of computer forensics peppered the listserves with predictions that the days of digital forensics were numbered. Ten years on and hundreds of systems acquired,

Smart Anti-Forensics

First published June 2005 by Steven McLeod steven mcleod@ozemail com au May 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This paper highlights an oversight in the current industry best practice procedure for forensically duplicating a hard disk. A discussion is provided which demonstrates that