25 Days, 25 Questions: Part 4 – Lab And Tool Standards

Editor’s note: This article concludes our four-part series written by Mr. Santosh Khadsare, our guest digital forensics expert from New Delhi, India, based upon his recent LinkedIn series, #25Days25Questions. More about Mr. Khadsare is in his bio below. On 18

Digital Forensics Standard-Setting: Summer 2020 Round-Up

The summer has been a busy one for standards-setting organizations in the United States and European Union: In the U.S., the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) published its final guidelines for cloud forensics, along with a document towards

Mitigating Risk Through Standardization

A recap of Dr Gillian Tully’s DFRWS EU keynote. By Christa Miller, Forensic Focus No one denies that digital forensics is becoming more complex. The range of devices to examine keeps increasing, as does the complexity of acquiring and analyzing

Cost-Effective Tools For Small Mobile Forensic Labs

by Alex Moeller As the costs associated with running a mobile devices forensic laboratory can be considered to be high, this article is aimed at providing alternative options for small organisations or individuals looking to reduce overheads.  Case Management Tools

What Changes Do We Need To See In eDiscovery? Part IV

by Harold Burt-Gerrans In Part 3, I introduced the concept of consolidating duplicates by tracking Metadata at a DocID level and coding and/or document actions at a Document Level. For ease, I’m duplicating part of the example charts here as

What Changes Do We Need To See In eDiscovery? Part III

by Harold Burt-Gerrans Duplicative Documents At the end of Part 2, I put forth an argument that de-duplication should always be done globally to bring the data set down to just unique documents. And now that you’re convinced (or should

What Changes Do We Need To See In eDiscovery? Part II

by Harold Burt-Gerrans Let’s continue from where we left off last time, discussing standardization. If you missed it, Part 1 was all about establishing standards. Now a bit about following standards. This will sound funny to those who know what

What Changes Do We Need To See In eDiscovery? Part I

by Harold Burt-Gerrans I’m approaching this multi-part article from a software development point of view, as I believe many of the following issues have been brought about by the evolution of eDiscovery software following the procedures used by handling boxes

Opinion: Is ISO17025 The Right Standard For Digital Forensics?

by Rich2005 Standardisation is currently the subject of animated discussion among digital forensic examiners worldwide. In this opinion piece, Rich2005 looks at the challenges of the ISO17025 standard for digital forensics and why it might not be the best choice

Changes To Forensic Laboratory Accreditation Requirements – ISO/IEC 17025

by Tim Alcock ISO/IEC 17025:2017 – General requirements for the competence of testing and calibration laboratories is the principal international standard for the accreditation of laboratories performing testing (including sampling) and/or calibration. Originating from ISO/IEC Guide 25, the standard has

Challenges Of ISO 17025 Accreditation – Survey Results

A group of forensic practitioners has recently conducted a survey into the ISO 17025 scheme – its effectiveness, and its relevance for digital forensics. The survey was conducted using Google Forms and was aimed at forensic practitioners on the front