How To Bulk Tag Evidence With Nuix Investigate

Today I’m going to show you how to do a bulk tagging operation using Nuix Investigate 8.2.1.

Here on the far left side – you can see we’re on our Cases landing page – we’re going to scroll down the list and select one of our cases here to launch this.

When we do that, here on the left-hand side, we’re going to utilise a feature here called ‘Saved Searches.’ When we expand this out, and we go under ‘Public,’ we can retrieve one of our saved searches here.

This will return items that are emails, and have the term ‘Arbitration claim’ in the content of those emails. And now in the grid, we can see those items have been returned.

We’re going to go ahead and bulk select these items in the grid view by selecting this check box, and now these items are ready to be tagged.

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We’re going to move over here to the right. And here is the Tags icon. We can expand this out, and now we can scroll down and choose a tag that we want to apply to these items.

We know our parent tag is ‘Review’ and underneath this is ‘Arbitration.’ This is the subtag that we want to apply. We’re going to go ahead and select that, and then hit ‘Save Tags.’ We’ll get confirmation that the list tags have been applied. I’m going to go ahead and close this.

I’m going to hit ‘Reset’ on this window, and now I can show you how easy it is to retrieve those items that we just tagged, by moving back over here to the far left. We’re going to choose ‘Search Filters’, we’re going to scroll down in the list and expand tags. And then we’re going to scroll down in this list and retrieve the tag that we just applied to these items.

We know our parent item is ‘Review’. We’ll expand this out. Here’s ‘Arbitration,’ we’ll select that, we’ll put that in the search queue. We’ll go ahead and hit ‘Search’ here, and that will retrieve those items into the grid that we just tagged.

To find out more, go to

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Forensic Focus 12th June 2024 5:51 pm

Digital Forensics News Round-Up, June 12 2024 #dfir #digitalforensics

Forensic Focus 12th June 2024 5:39 pm

Internal investigations and eDiscovery face rising challenges in the data collection landscape. There is an urgent need to preserve and analyze data; rising costs for server infrastructure and overhead and the increasing complexity and volume of data from emerging sources is overwhelming. Laptops, computers, phones, tablets, cloud sources, and messaging applications – data is stored anywhere and everywhere with employee communications being the riskiest data sources.

The scope and specific challenges of data collection affect organizations and law firms differently, presenting a need for a variety of solutions to best fit their needs. With Cellebrite’s suite of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) cloud-based collection solutions, corporate investigators and eDiscovery practitioners can close investigations and get to review faster.

Cellebrite's market-leading SaaS based solutions minimize business disruption and save organizations money by:

- Eliminating the need for large upfront costs and maintenance expenses
- Minimizing overhead costs without hosting the solution, no hardware shipping, and no technical calls for assistance
- Minimal and predictable data collection costs, allowing you to scale your usage according to your specific needs and budgetary considerations
- Stay up to date with continuous updates to data sources with updates pushed to the Cellebrite cloud
- Close investigations and review discovery faster with cloud-based innovation
- Manage customer requests and provide transparency throughout your organization across the globe

Watch Cellebrite's webinar where Monica Harris, Product Business Manager, showcases how Cellebrite’s range of SaaS-based solutions have you covered whether you need remote collection across all devices, including computers, cloud sources, chat applications, and mobile devices or full-file system advanced collection capabilities across the widest range of mobile devices and applications.

Internal investigations and eDiscovery face rising challenges in the data collection landscape. There is an urgent need to preserve and analyze data; rising costs for server infrastructure and overhead and the increasing complexity and volume of data from emerging sources is overwhelming. Laptops, computers, phones, tablets, cloud sources, and messaging applications – data is stored anywhere and everywhere with employee communications being the riskiest data sources.

The scope and specific challenges of data collection affect organizations and law firms differently, presenting a need for a variety of solutions to best fit their needs. With Cellebrite’s suite of SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) cloud-based collection solutions, corporate investigators and eDiscovery practitioners can close investigations and get to review faster.

Cellebrite's market-leading SaaS based solutions minimize business disruption and save organizations money by:

- Eliminating the need for large upfront costs and maintenance expenses
- Minimizing overhead costs without hosting the solution, no hardware shipping, and no technical calls for assistance
- Minimal and predictable data collection costs, allowing you to scale your usage according to your specific needs and budgetary considerations
- Stay up to date with continuous updates to data sources with updates pushed to the Cellebrite cloud
- Close investigations and review discovery faster with cloud-based innovation
- Manage customer requests and provide transparency throughout your organization across the globe

Watch Cellebrite's webinar where Monica Harris, Product Business Manager, showcases how Cellebrite’s range of SaaS-based solutions have you covered whether you need remote collection across all devices, including computers, cloud sources, chat applications, and mobile devices or full-file system advanced collection capabilities across the widest range of mobile devices and applications.

YouTube Video UCQajlJPesqmyWJDN52AZI4Q_SE7Cl5jkigk

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