Real-Time Collaboration Any Time You Need It

Keith Lockhart: We’ll get started. So again, my name is Keith Lockhart. I am the vice president of technology and training at Oxygen Forensics. And if I’ve known you in the past, that’s kind of a change in the last

Digital Evidence Review and Collaboration: A Roundtable Discussion

A quadrant of four panelists: two white women and two white men, all with office backdrops
Kim Bradley: Welcome to this panel discussion on digital evidence review and collaboration. I’m Kim Bradley and with me today is Jessica Hyde, John Pizzurro, and Joshua James. Thank you all for being here. Jessica, John, and Joshua: Thanks again.

Global Incident Response: DFRWS-EU Keynote, 2022

Chris Hargreaves: Without further ado, we can start the formal program and I’ll hand over to Serge Droz – I did my best there – for the first keynote of the week. Thank you. Serge: So, this technology is working.

Be That Trusted Advisor

A white businessman holds a tablet with a high customer satisfaction score
By Robert B. Fried, Senior Vice President, Sandline Global, Forensics & Investigations As forensic practitioners, we must do our best to stay ahead of ever-changing technology but sometimes we are thrown curve balls.  For example, taking a trip down memory