eDiscovery Investigations in the Age of Remote Work

Julia O’Shea: Hi, everyone. Thanks for joining today’s webinar: eDiscovery Investigations in the Age of Remote Work. My name is Julia O’Shea and I’m a Product Marketing Manager here at Cellebrite. Now I’d like to introduce our speakers today: Derrick

Be That Trusted Advisor

A white businessman holds a tablet with a high customer satisfaction score
By Robert B. Fried, Senior Vice President, Sandline Global, Forensics & Investigations As forensic practitioners, we must do our best to stay ahead of ever-changing technology but sometimes we are thrown curve balls.  For example, taking a trip down memory

Authenticating Internet Web Pages as Evidence: a New Approach

By John Patzakis [1] and Brent Botta [2] Previously, in Forensic Focus, we addressed the issue of evidentiary authentication of social media data (see previous entries here and here). General Internet site data available through standard web browsing, instead of