Detective Lee Bieber on Digital Forensics Tools for Complex Cases

Christa Miller: Technology-facilitated child exploitation, including trafficking, has been the driver for much of the innovation behind most digital forensics tools. Here at the Forensic Focus Podcast to provide a customer perspective on that is Detective Lee Bieber of the

Granular Reporting in Oxygen Forensic Detective

Hello, everyone. Jordan here with the Oxygen Forensics training team. Welcome to another OxyCast webinar. Today, I’ll be showing you how granular the export options are in Oxygen Forensic Detective, and how to produce a report that will meet your

Standard Units in Digital Forensics

by Dr Chris Hargreaves Lecturer at the Centre for Forensic Computing at Cranfield University in Shrivenham, UK. One of the earliest lectures in the MIT Openware programme in Physics begins with the lecture “Units and Dimensional Analysis”. Units of measurement