Unlock locked Samsung Qualcomm devices, secure your chain of custody with the next generation of the secure .xry file format and streamline the reporting process with XAMN Report Builder.
The new releases of XRY, XAMN and XEC introduce a range of new and improved capabilities, with a strong focus on making it faster and easier than ever for forensic specialists and digital investigators to access and review even more mobile devices and applications, and to move easily from extraction to court-ready reports.
XRY 10.0 introduces a more secure evidential container format and adds support for many more mobile devices and apps, bringing the total number of supported devices and app profiles to over 39,300 devices.
Release highlights:
XRY 10.0
XRY is designed from its inception to be forensically secure. We are therefore happy to announce that our new faster and more secure file format, with an upgraded security framework to keep digital evidence protected and offer a secure and reliable chain of custody for evidential files.
The new release also includes the ability to detect modified metadata, improved decoding to Apple media and improved handling of brute force passwords on iTunes backup files. Plus added support for more KaiOS devices and enhanced support for multiple apps on Android and iOS.
XAMN 7.0
XAMN, our digital forensic solution, has received several significant user experience improvements plus a whole host of other enhancements to help you find critical evidence and intelligence faster and more effectively.
We are introducing the new beta “Timeline” filter allowing you to more effectively search your data. You can filter by year, month, day, hour, minute or even second to identify the periods of greatest activity on a device and build a picture of event sequences.
Streamline the reporting with XAMN Report Builder
MSAB is proud to announce that with the addition of “Report Builder”, XAMN now gives you a complete crime to court room solution allowing you to present your findings with confidence.
This new XAMN functionality will help make the report process accurate, relevant and will improve overall efficiency. With simple drag and drop technology, you can build standardized templates for use within your department to create professional customized court presentation reports.
Specify users’ identities with Connection view: The XAMN Horizon feature not only enables you to immediately filter the relevant persons in your case and the relationships between them, but also you can now select specific identities and view their communication.
XEC Director 7.0
MSAB has been, for some time, helping digital forensic managers and supervisors manage their networked infrastructure with this centralized management control solution. The new release of XEC Director allows you to see live system diagnostics from all connected Kiosks on the network.
MSAB Tablet
Say hello to the new version of the MSAB Tablet. Tablet MK4.1 comes with USB 3.1 ports and a larger 1 TB of device storage. Purchase yours today! Contact sales@msab.com.
For more news, visit msab.com