Interview with Jim Grady, President, Cellebrite USA

Jim, please tell us a bit about yourself and your background before joining Cellebrite.

I´ve been involved in the wireless industry as an executive for over 20 years, both on the carrier side and the vendor side. Prior to Cellebrite, I was vice president and general manager at Bell Labs. I have an MBA from Harvard Business School and a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Maine.

You became CEO of Cellebrite USA, Inc. at the end of 2011. What prompted that move and what does your current role involve?

I felt drawn to this opportunity based not only on the growth of the market, but also the chance and the ability to help law enforcement and private sector investigators adapt more smoothly to the demands mobile technology places on their skills. As CEO of Cellebrite USA, I am responsible for the vision, strategies and people that drive business for the largest market in mobile forensics…

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