Magnet IEF Wins Two Forensic 4cast Awards

Magnet IEF was named Computer Forensic Software of the Year, and Phone Forensic Software of the Year at the 2015 Forensic 4cast Awards. The awards were presented last night at the SANS DFIR Summit in Austin, TX.

This is the third consecutive year that Magnet IEF has taken home the award for Computer Forensic Software of the Year, and the first time the product has been named Phone Forensic Software of the Year.

“To be recognized for our efforts in both computer and mobile forensics is humbling. We want to create tools that make your job as a forensic investigator easier, and receiving these awards lets us know that we are heading in the right direction. Thank you to all our customers who voted for us!” – Jad Saliba, Founder & CTO

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