Walkthrough: XRY Photon Manual

XRY Photon is a solution designed for recovering smartphone app data that’s inaccessible through normal extraction techniques. Now the power of XRY Photon has been expanded to cover hundreds of additional apps, with a new manual option. Before using XRY

How To Save Time With XAMN’s Dynamic Artifact Count Feature

At MSAB, we’re always looking to improve our software and make every product more user-friendly, intuitive, and valuable; and to help save you time. We’ve recently improved the way that XAMN displays and counts artifacts. Let’s take a look at

Walkthrough: What’s New In XAMN v4.4

Hello and welcome to this video about what’s new in XAMN 4.4. I’m going to take you through ten new improvements, as you can see listed here in the latest release of the XAMN application. Let’s get straight on to the

Four Critical Success Factors In Mobile Forensics

by Mike Dickinson, Deputy Executive Officer at MSAB The purpose of this paper is to encourage mobile forensic practitioners to consider a wider number of critical factors surrounding their choice and use of mobile forensic tools. Specifically, the quality of