Exploring Detego’s Multiple Deployment Options

A triptych of images shows a mobile lab, two soldiers in a desert environment, and a corporate conference room
It’s no secret that the rapid pace of digital transformation is placing increasing pressure on digital forensic investigators. For years, the technology landscape has been introducing new devices capable of holding and managing larger amounts of data, from tablets and

Leveraging Intel DCI for Memory Forensics

A small circuit board is connected to a larger circuit board via cabling
Hello, and welcome to my DFRWS US 2021 talk about leveraging Intel DCI for memory forensics. My name is Tobias Latzo and I’m in the security research group of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg in Germany, which is led by Felix

The AFF4 Evidence Container: Why and What’s Next

Well, good day. My name is Bradley Schatz, I’m from Evimetry. Today I’m here, it’s my distinct pleasure to be here at the Magnet Virtual Summit to talk about the Advanced Forensic Format Container version four. That’s an evidence container

AIR From Binalyze

Modern forensic data acquisition in enterprise environments requires constant evaluation of approach, methods, tools and tactics. Multiple different ways of acquiring both logical and physical images from remote sources in corporate environments have been developed throughout the years, from deployment

New in Binalyze AIR v1.8.0: Multi-organization support

Binalyze AIR v1.8.0 is now available with multi-organization support. One of the most requested features we received from our customers was the ability to manage multiple organizations from a single AIR console. For enterprise customers, this was important to align

Encrypt it, but Don’t Trust It

This is not about acquisition tools, but about understanding why we need to test our tools even if the tool was just updated.  The latest and greatest tool without testing can be a risk factor just like the old and