Protecting Organisations From Insider Threats With Detego

In recent years, companies have begun rapidly increasing their investment into security and compliance tools built to keep data secure from external threats. While the increase in cyber-criminal activity is a clear concern for business leaders, it’s not the only

Digital Intelligence Joins Forces with Detego for a Global Webinar Series

Detego Global, creators of the award-winning Unified Investigations Platform that enables investigators to rapidly extract, analyze and report on critical data from 1,000s of devices and Digital Intelligence® Inc, a leader in the delivery of digital forensics and eDiscovery technologies,

Exploring Detego’s Multiple Deployment Options

A triptych of images shows a mobile lab, two soldiers in a desert environment, and a corporate conference room
It’s no secret that the rapid pace of digital transformation is placing increasing pressure on digital forensic investigators. For years, the technology landscape has been introducing new devices capable of holding and managing larger amounts of data, from tablets and

Combating Corporate Fraud With Detego’s Technology

A man sits with his back to the camera, working at a brightly lit computer screen in an office
Corporate fraud cases represent one of the biggest threats companies face in today’s ever-evolving landscape. Fraud cases can cost companies hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on their size and industry. According to ACFE, a typical fraud case costs $8,300

Detego Global Appoints New Managing Director and Global Sales Director

Leaders in frontline and lab-based digital forensics, case management and endpoint monitoring technology, Detego Global, recently announced exciting new appointments to their leadership team. Andy Lister, a subject matter expert in this field, with over 25 years of experience spread