FTK Feature Focus: Project Vic

Justin Tolman: Welcome to this week’s episode of FTK Feature Focus. This week we have another special episode with a special guest: Dan Sumpter, who’s the principal instructor at Exterro over North America. Dan, how are you doing? Dan: Hey,

How to Search Images for Text Values Using OCR

Hello, everyone. Jordan here with the Oxygen Forensic training team. Today, I’m gonna show you how to search images for text values using optical character recognition. Let’s get started. In today’s video, I’ll be discussing what OCR is and providing

Hex Searching in Oxygen Forensic Detective

Hey there, detectives. Welcome to Oxygen Forensics How-To series, where your Oxygen Forensic training team will provide you with detailed insight into focused areas within Oxygen Forensic Detective. For this video, we are going to dive into using the Hex

A Deep Dive into Apple Keychain Decryption

When it comes to the forensic investigation of Apple devices, a Keychain analysis is of particular importance. Not only does Keychain contain passwords from websites and applications, but it can also provide computer forensics with access to the same user’s

How to Estimate the Speed of a Vehicle with Amped FIVE

After intensive development, Amped Software is pleased to start 2022 with the release of a powerful new filter for Amped FIVE: Speed Estimation 2d. Below you can find a step-by-step guide on how to estimate the speed of a vehicle

How to Use Variable Motion Deblurring in Amped FIVE

screenshot of a blurry video frame of a bus path of travel
In this latest ‘How To’ article, Amped Software will show you how to use Variable Motion Deblurring, one of this year’s new filters within Amped FIVE. One of the biggest challenges in Forensic Video Analysis (FVA), is the restoration and

Presentation Filters and Techniques with Amped FIVE

For those not already aware, FIVE does not refer to the number five. It stands for Forensic Image and Video Enhancement. Although the forensic enhancement of imagery forms the core of this powerful application, the key stages prior to enhancement,

Working With Warrant Returns in XRY and XAMN

Hi, I’m Kevin Kyono. I’m a technical sales engineer with MSAB, and this is XRY and XAMN in 5. In addition to extracting data from devices, XRY has the ability to import your returns from search warrants and other legal

A Practical Guide to Virtualizing Your Forensics Workstation

Setting Up a Microsoft Azure Instance for Running Magnet AXIOM Cyber Your company has a Microsoft Azure environment, and your forensics lab uses Magnet AXIOM Cyber. The next step is to combine the two by running AXIOM Cyber in Azure!

How To Analyze Call Data Records In Oxygen Forensic Detective

Hi, this is Amanda Mangan with Oxygen Forensics. In this video, we’re going to go over Oxygen Forensics’ Call Data Expert. The first thing we’ll discuss is, what exactly is a CDR? A CDR is a call data record, and

How To Use Social Graph In Oxygen Forensic Detective

Hello, this is Keith Lockhart from the Oxygen Forensic training department, and this video is talking about the Social Graph inside Oxygen Forensic Detective. To fully understand the Social Graph and the things it can do for you, you kind

How To Use Quin-C’s Simple Review Widget

Hello and welcome everybody to this video about Quin-C. Today we will be talking about a widget called Simple Review. Simple Review is a widget which has been designed for examiners whose everyday job is to run the index searches

How To Conduct A Live Forensic Scan Of A Windows Computer

Learn how to conduct a Windows live scan with ADF Solutions Digital Evidence Investigator.  Two USB ports are required to complete a scan, one for the Collection Key and one for the Authentication Key, once the scan has started the Authentication

How To Use The Griffeye Intelligence Database

Beginning with version 19, Griffeye Analyze DI Pro and Core will start using the new Griffeye Intelligence Database, or GID, to replace the legacy intelligence manager. In this video, we’re going to discuss the changes that the GID brings to